Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Post 30 of 60

The movie Tron is lit very darkly, with the most light coming from the characters themselves. It is an interesting way to make them visible in spite of little ambient light, and the eerie light cast up on their faces gives this movie a more grim outlook.

Post 29 of 60

Strangely, in this picture of the Orion Nebula, it is not differing intensity or direction that helps build a composition, but instead my eye is drawn to differing color.

Post 28 of 30

The color and intensity of the light off of lava makes all else barely visible. The mood I get is as if I were watching the formative moments of the planet.

Post 27 of 60

While set in the same snowy environment of post 26, this post contains a red tongue, and yellow feathers on the penguins in the background which help to raise the mood to that of a dance. Also the texture of the feathers reminds me of a coat which helps to combat my cold feeling.

Post 26 of 60

This picture contains white, brown, soft shadow, and no visible people. The mood this creates is bleak and cold.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Post 25 of 60

Here's another pumpkin. I think that the direction of light, coming out of the dragon, really illustrates that there is a fire within the dragon. Also, notice that the cool patterns in the scales are only visible because of the light near them.

Post 24 of 60

Well, intensity can really set a mood. Hooray for pumpkin carvings.

Post 23 of 60

With light from above and the color in the ears, the cat is highly visible, with a pretty composition. They do a good job of identifying the over-all meaning of looking to heaven in the caption.

Post 22 of 60

The shadow coming off of the dark hair makes the back end of the dog hardly visible. Also, the bright face light makes the mood seem startled. Kind of like someone used flash photography and scared the poor dog.

Post 21 of 60

Ok, same idea as 20, but with added color and a now visible hand in the way

Post 20 of 60

Ok, so shape and intensity are obvious here, but what do they create? A cosmic mood, a complex composition? Your thoughts?

Post 19 of 60

You're supposed to tell if A or B is in a darker square. Yep, they're the same. I do like the shadow cast, and the illusion illustrates how our mind plays with colors and intensities even when light is actually the same.

Post 18 of 60

When you play with the angle and intensity of light like this, you can get overly naturalistic. Tell me, how long did it take you to see the people?

Post 17 of 60

I wonder what this would look like the next morning when the sun was shining the other direction.

Post 16 of 60

The color of the light here made the mood romantic.

Post 15 of 60

This image with the light on the left and dark on the right made for an interesting composition.

Post 14 of 60

So much blue. The color here and the perceived motion of the waterfall inspire me to a peaceful mood.

Post 13 of 60

The angle and movement of light in this video make this simulation look almost real. CGI is getting more naturalistic every day. I was most impressed when they oxidized the silver and the reflection changed.

Post 12 of 60

The color of the sunlight here suggests morning time to me. Any thoughts?

Post 11 of 60

Who doesn't like a rainbow, but there isn't a clear source of light, so the picture seems less than natural.

Post 10 of 60

With less distinct shadow and reflections than post 9, this isn't as naturalistic, but has a lighter color and a happier mood.

Post 9 of 60

The reflections and distribution of light here, make this image more naturalistic.

Post 8 of 60

Lightning always brings a mood of excitement mixed with trepidation. Notice the composition with light only around the lightning, bringing energy, while the borders of the image are all dark and menacing.

Post 7 of 60

The intensity here actually works against visibility, and makes this a more intricate composition.

Post 6 of 60

The intensity of the light in this image makes for good visibility and suggests that this cloud might be the home of angels.

Post 5 of 60

Here's another naturalistic image. It has the same angle as in post 4, but it has sharper shadows.

Post 4 of 60

The angle of and diffusion of this light make this a very naturalistic image.

Post 3 of 60

The intensity (or rather lack thereof) of light in this picture brings a mood of impending storm to mind.

Post 2 of 60

The angle and perceived movement of light in this picture create a windblown mood to me.

Post 1 of 60

The color and distribution of light make up an interesting composition here. Notice the white key, and blue fill.